What does a business coach actually do?

A good business coach is the proverbial Swiss army knife!

He knows about business and career, so he should have practical business knowledge. He is familiar
with business life, so he knows how people communicate and work well together in their private and
professional lives. He knows how managers can work and develop themselves. He knows the
different cultures in different companies and business areas.

As a consultant, he helps his clients at the right moment to inform themselves about opportunities in
work and career. Private life must not be neglected. The work-life-balance has to suit each individual
person: individually!

As a trainer he develops a plan to make his clients better. What knowledge is still missing for the
dream job? Where and how can the gaps be closed.

Ideally, this person also moves safely in the digital environment. He knows directly and personally
the changes in companies and the world of work due to digitalisation.

And as a coach?
No matter whether business coaching, career coaching, professional coaching or life coaching: even
before signing a contract, serious coaches always have a meeting to get to know each other. Of
course, this is particularly easy, convenient and secure in online coaching. There both persons get to
know each other and decide whether they fit together and want to work together.
Only then is there the coaching contract. And please never, never accept a coaching without a
serious contract.

In the first coaching appointment (no matter if online coaching or presence coaching) the coach will
clarify the initial situation with you! This is about your person, your environment and your feelings,
thoughts and actions.

Only then is the goal: what should be achieved and why now? What exactly should be different. The
more precisely this can be worked out and described, the easier it is to implement, to do.
The goal then defines the further work. A serious coach will always work with professional methods,
which he explains to his clients openly and transparently. This is important! Please do not accept
anything else! My professor in the coaching training always said: „No voodoo and no rocket science.
Just simple serious work“

What coaching is called then doesn’t matter: Career coaching is about the professional career. In
executive coaching, it’s about personality and qualities as an executive. Life Coaching deals with the
work-life-balance just like career coaching deals with the further development in the chosen

However, all variants should contain an important element: Systemic thinking!
The person, the client, i.e. you, is never alone in nowhere!
There are always colleagues, managers, subordinates, customers, business partners. Of course, there
is also the family, the partner, children, parents who may need care. For people 50 plus, topics such
as preparation for retirement are also important topics in coaching 50plus.

So if you decide to go for coaching, remember that it will be very personal. Your coach will deal with
you with confidence. There is no legal obligation of confidentiality for coaches, but of course a
serious coach will discuss with you that everything discussed and done in coaching will remain
confidential. Just like you as a client keep everything confidential! In digital online coaching you
should pay attention to data protection and the assurance of GDPR-compliant data processing.
If you decide to use a Business Coach or Life Coach, check his or her certificates, education,
knowledge and skills, also his or her personality.

There are not many Swiss army knive coaches.

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